Frequently Asked Questions
What People Are Asking Us
Which of your services is right for me?
Puppy classes are for puppies less than 6 months old (separated by age groups to provide the best training for each puppy group).
Private Sessions are for those looking to focus on their dog's individual behaviors with reach from foundational skills to advanced skills depending on how many sessions you want to partake in.
Semi-private sessions are organized similar to private but are more affordable for up to 2-3 dogs. Find some friends and sign up!
Specialty sessions are for dogs who already have basic foundational skills down and just have specific needs such as better recall, resource guarding, reactivity towards other dogs or people, or learning loose leash walking.
Is my pet too old to be trained?
No dog is too old to be trained. Training is tailored to meet the needs of your dog's age, breed, health, size, and lifestyle. Adult and senior dogs have different needs/goals, but equally benefit from a great training program.
What is your approach to pet training?
PUG uses Positive Reinforcement, also known as "reward-based training", "science-based training, "force-free training", and sometimes abbreviated to R+. This involves lots of treats and rewards for your dogs to reinforce innate behaviors based on over 100 years of animal behavior research and based on principles of behavior analytics. Positive reinforcement has been found to have the best long-term effect on dogs. This method produces behaviors that stick while having fun with your pet in a positive and humane way!